‘In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.”’
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
Herbal Medicine, Health & Wellbeing
Clinic Costs & Timings (see below)
Women's Health
Herbalism and health inclusive for all identifying as women , find out more about herbs in menstruation to menopause and beyond.
Non-binary Health
Explore herbalism and health for anyone who is non-binary, trans or fluid.
Men's Health
Inclusive for all who identify as men, find out about herbalism for health and wellbeing physically and emotionally.
Emotional Health & Wellbeing
Explore herbal medicine for folk with anxiety, stress, depression, ‘mental’ health and how our plant kin weave their medicine within.
Gut & Immunity
Explore the microbiome and how herbal medicines tone, soothe and aid our guts and support our immune systems.
All kids from newborn to young adult are welcome for a huge range of conditions and reasons. Explore here.
Wild Apothecary Ethos
Wild Apothecary clinic space strives to cultivate a safe space for anyone who is called to herbalism. Amaia is committed to non-oppressive, non-discriminatory practice and holds deep respect for and welcomes all folk with diverse backgrounds and lives.
In terms of safety and confidentiality, Amaia is bound by oath to do no harm, this includes being aware of her own racialised, gendered, ableist and class privileges.
A consultation is a process between Amaia, the client and the plants.
The initial consultation between herbalist and client usually lasts between 1 – 1½ hours. During this process we discuss any conditions that the client is concerned about, lifestyle, diet, past medical history, any other treatments or therapies the patient is undergoing and anything else that arises. Emotional, mental and spiritual health are also welcome to be explored in relation to plant kin and healing and are often at the core of the healing path.
Nutrition is a huge part of the consultation and add on or stand alone nutritional consultations are available.
There may also be physical examinations needed and Amaia is trained to perform these (for example taking blood pressure).
The consultation is a dynamic process in which the client is very involved in the decision process. As the herbalist, Amaia works with the client to suggest any lifestyle or dietary changes and offer thoughts on differential diagnoses and potential herbal remedies. Amaia will also refer if necessary. It is in all aspects a joint process with client at the centre.
Herbs can often be taken alongside orthodox medicines but sometimes this is not the case and Amaia will advise accordingly. Amaia can also work with the GP or other therapist to bring about the best possible healing result.
Professional Body
Amaia is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists who are committed to thorough scientific research in the field of herbal medicine while being vigilant of the origins and essence of using plants to heal. They are also in the process of becoming a more diverse institution.
Amaia is fully insured to practise and undertake continuing professional development in the form of professional herbal, medical and nutritional courses.
What Is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal Medicine is for everybody, literally – it is the oldest form of medicine used by every people on the planet through the story of humanity.
The knowledge of how to use plants as medicine has passed through history, each generation learning more about the plants. Plant medicine has a huge range of use from foods as medicine to standardised extracts in the modern world. Some have been made into drugs – think artemisin (Artemisia annua – sweet annie), aspirin (Filipendula ulmaria – was spiraea – hence the name – meadowsweet) and taxol (Taxus brevifolia – the yew tree). Most likely every single day you come into contact with healing plants whether you know it or not.
Medicinal plants have also been the cause of wars, trade, riches, censorship and more - there is no doubt that plants hold immense healing potential.
Herbalists treat the whole person rather than just a symptom but what does that mean? Basically it means whatever your condition, there is most likely something that can be done. We work with you rather than just with the symptoms that make up the ailment. That said, sometimes we do simply treat the illness as an acute treatment – say if you’ve got a cold. However, if you’re getting lots of colds, we’ll look deeper into the cause, into what’s going on for you on various levels. Might you be exhausted, eating foods that don’t agree with you, stressed, emotional, suffering with an allergy etc.?.. We look at it all. We make a plan together.
Clients present with anything from eczema, anxiety or depression to Lyme disease, epilepsy, arthritis or heart disease. Here is a list of what we generally see in clinic but this is not exhaustive by any means:
Allergies such as hayfever, dust mites, foods
Arthritis and rheumatism
Children’s ailments from conjunctivitis and nappy rash to energy and focus
Chronic conditions such as ME, chronic Lyme, post-viral symptoms, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia
Cystitis and urinary disorders
Depression, anxiety and panic attacks
Disorders that are more common to the elderly
Fertility challenges
Gut and immunity challenges such as IBS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, dysbiosis, diverticulitis
Gynaecological health conditions such as menstrual cycle challenges, endometriosis, PMS, menopausal symptoms or PCOS
Heart and circulatory conditions such as angina, varicose veins or Raynaud’s
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Migraines and headaches
Nervous system health such as fatigue, burn out, pain or debility
Post-operative or post-accident support
Pregnancy and post-partum care
Recurrent infections
Reproductive health conditions such as BPH and libido challenges
Respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis and coughs, colds and flus
Skin disorders such as acne, eczema or psoriasis
Stress and trauma, PTSD
Thyroid and hormonal conditions
Sometimes we will work with one area before another, for example we often need to heal the gut before or alongside working with hormones. Be prepared to bring your own understanding of what is going on for you but also know that you are the centre of the consultation and nothing will be done without your permission.
Initial consultation (including online consultations):
Adult £85 (16yrs+)
Child £60 (up to 15yrs)
Follow-up consultations (including online consultations):
Adult: up to 30 mins £35; 60 mins £60
(please state which you’d like in advance)
Child £35
Acute mini-consultations (for a cold, or a wound etc. online or in person):
Adult or Child: £15
Home Visit Fees
Prices will vary depending on how far you are, but a guide would be
Initial consultation Adult £95; Child £70
Follow-up consultations Adult from £50; child from £45
Concessions are available if you cannot afford a consultation, please ask.
Cost of Herbs
Herbal Medicines usually cost around £3-15 per week depending on what is needed.
Tonics: £13.50/100ml with consultation. £15/100ml without consultation.
Tea: Large/medium/small bags £25/£15/£7.50
Ointments & Creams: 120ml £25, 60ml £15, 30ml £8
Wild Nutrition
An add-on consultation (Herbal Medicine + Nutrition): £125 2 hours
The Medicine
Wild Apothecary is made up of wild medicines and bought medicines of the highest quality – organic or biodynamic where possible and mostly produced in the UK. Some fantastic plants are, however, grown in other climates and I have medicines made from these within the collection.
The medicines are usually tinctures (alcohol based liquids), teas (dried herbs), glycerites (non-alcoholic liquids), hydrosols (aromatic waters), creams, salves, lotions, capsules or tablets.