Women’s Health
“If any female feels she need anything beyond herself to legitimate and validate her existence, she is already giving away her power to be self-defining, her agency.”
- bell hooks
Women’s Health
When I speak of women’s health, all is welcome. The word women is a binary construct but many really resonate with this word and understand it in different ways. In the apothecary I see people who are born cis-gender and are congruent in this identity, folk who have stepped out of this or any identity based on the sex they were born as or the gender they were assigned.
I would say this area of support and care falls to that of physiological conditions such as gynaecological conditions such as menarche, menstruation, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, breast care, pregnancy, menopause and other transitions in life however you identify.
There is also much care in emotional and energetic conditions and expressions for those who have experienced the pressures facing women, oppression, conditioning, sexism, stress, violence, abuse and overwhelm.
In women diagnoses of ADHD, for example, are only just beginning to surface in mainstream culture but in herbalism plants supporting the nervous system, hormones, the gut etc. have been used for women with many of the expressions something like ADHD presents with. Women do not have equal access healthcare as men and anyone racialised even less so. Women tend to adapt and mask their conditions and much, including moonflow cramps or debilitating fibromyalgia or endometriosis is undiagnosed for years whether normalised or not.
Menopause can affect many women, for some it is a really challenging time. Herbal medicine offers many plant medicines that can support in various ways in the years through which this life transition meanders. Symptoms of change such as hot flushes, brain fog, insomnia, joint pain, night sweats and so on often respond really well to herbal medicines. If you are wondering about herbs for menopause do get in touch.
It is really important women get the care they need and Wild Apothecary is here welcoming you however you present.
Email or call to book an initial or follow up consultation while our booking system is being updated (thank you!)
amaia@wildapothecary.com 07919 608738