Foundation Course in Herbal Medicine
Hosted by The School of Health
I have written a course for the School of Health (the one in the picture above!) and you can find it here.
I will be your tutor (there may be other herbalists as tutors too in the future) so I will be able to guide you with tutorials and feedback. Brilliant for baby herbalists!
It is an in depth herbalism course covering all you need to know in terms of phytochemistry, plant constituents, medicine making and treating conditions with herbs. It is a great grounding in herbal medicine.
Check out the other courses offered by the School of Health – some of them are really good, the wonderful Mary Sharma has written the Naturopathy course and an introduction to Ayurveda.
“Ah my beautiful plant kin, how I adore thee all!”
Robin, Gwynedd
“I have absolutely love these courses with all the little packages and beautiful writing and illustrations.”
Mo, Devon