Snail Mail Courses
Herbalism delivered to your door
‘I have loved these monthly deliveries, so much so that I look forward to the next drop. I have learned so much about the plants which nourish me, which grow near me and which (who) might even be my friends’.
Arctia, Dumfries & Galloway
Snail Mail Courses in Herbal Medicine
I have two ongoing herbal medicine courses that are mailed out via real post. In each course there is wonder to be had and a certain kind of leaning towards a particular element of herbalism.
I wanted to send out courses so you don’t have to go online, so you can learn about herbalism wherever you are and can receive herbs and work to do from me that you can make, feel, smell, see. Even one little package of the dried herb from one herbal journey, let’s say yarrow, is going to have an effect on you when it arrives in your hands in a way that a picture online can’t.
Course 1: Tend Her Garden
Course 2: Wild, Seasonal, Local
Snail Mail Course 1: Tend Her Garden
This course is specifically for women, or those interested in women’s health, herbs, archetypes and cycles. The course includes 13 beautiful packages sent out for work under each moon cycle.
Every moon students will receive a little set of plant notes on a specific plant kin. We’ll work with that plant for the moon cycle with information, exercises and recipes you can make. Plant kin will be reflective of the time of year so that you can find the plants in the wild or in gardens but every package will include a sample remedy of the plant to work with and there are a couple from more distant shores.
Each woman will go deeper into her relationship with that plant each moon and forge a small apothecary of the plants of 13 moons, she will learn how to tend her garden. Vulval, womb, vaginal, breast and emotional health will be explored alongside menarche, moon time, fertility, menopause and cronehood. Grief will also be explored in relation to being a woman and we will explore the affinity of certain plants with the archetypes of womanhood. The course will be immersive and magical.
If you do not identify with being a woman but still want to find out more about gynae health, please do contact me. If you are non-binary and feel the pull to self care also do contact me. If you are a woman – self-identifying or otherwise – who does not have a womb / breasts / vulva etc. please also do get in contact as these plant kin work beautifully in different ways for all of us.
Course includes:
13 magical packages
Sisterhood potential and plant ally deepening – we have had small groups form of folk taking the course together
This will run for 12-13 moons depending on the year.
Investment for 13 Moons of Tend Her Garden:
Rose folk (those who cannot afford more) £197
Marigold folk (those who are comfortable) £297
Note, if you are local, you can collect your box each month, if you are abroad and postage is more costly we will look at the cost and add on or the course can be accessed through pdf/email by arrangement. If you would like our book Wild Apothecary: Reclaiming Plant Medicine for All signed and included please add £23 on to your course payment.
Snail Mail Course 2: Wild, Seasonal, Local
This is a rolling course so you can join at any time. Each month will have different plants to look out for and exercises to do for one year. At the end, no matter when you start, you will have a calendar of local plants and how to use them. This is a more general herbal medicine course and is not specific to anyone or any kind of plant. The herbs explored are ones we could find locally, ones that might be in our kitchen cupboards or ones that we could most likely have access to in some way.
Course includes:
12x mailed out packages – this includes a beautiful little pamphlet or notes about what is growing and information about these plants, how to identify, where to find them and how to approach and use them, recipes, beautiful samples to try at home and share your experiences with.
Investment for 12 months of Wild, Seasonal, Local:
Rose folk (those who cannot afford more) £197
Marigold folk (those who are comfortable) £297
Note, if you are local, you can collect your box each month, if you are abroad and postage is more costly we will look at the cost and add on or if there are others collecting, the additional cost can be absorbed to total cost tbc.
If you would like our book Wild Apothecary: Reclaiming Plant Medicine for All signed and included please add £23 on to your course payment.

“Ah my beautiful plant kin, how I adore thee all!”
Robin, Gwynedd
“I have absolutely love these courses with all the little packages and beautiful writing and illustrations.”
Mo, Devon