Ceremony & Wild Rites
Stepping deeper into relationship with oneself, the Land and Elements through wild rites of passage and ceremony.
Wilding Self 1:1 Wilderness Days
Amaia has spent decades connecting with the Land in different ways. From her early days sitting by hedgerows and climbing trees to her travels alone across the world in her late teens and early twenties to her training in Herbalism, organic farming, permaculture and Wilderness Rites of Passage Amaia has deepened her relationship with stone kin, plant kin, spirit and wild.
Amaia offers individual 1:1 work, holding days outdoors, perhaps in the wilderness of rural or coastal Land or the wilds of the urban world depending on the needs of her clients. These days are tailored to the individual and are crafted with ceremony, holding, wild exploration, drawing, talking, feeling, a journey, a passing, a marking, a making and more. A day might look like this,
Self-exploration: feeling into what you need or what may support and nourish you. Amaia can facilitate this exploration or hold you in a safe space while you work with plant or elemental kin to focus on your needs.
Connecting in with your ancestral lineage or stories to inform you about your own place in the story of the world.
Markings of the year, how they relate to the seasons, plants and foraging, craft making and energetics of the time of year.
Journey with spirit, plants and elements, leaning into finding your own spirit guides, support kin or happy places.
Visualisation or drawing of kin to deepen relationship, respect and intimacy with our plants (or other elements).
Deepening into your own wild wellbeing - understanding your own needs emotionally and physically.
Crossing the threshold on a medicine walk, marking your own wild rites and creating ceremony with elements, plants, song, words, silence.. whatever is needed.
Working with one plant - preparing, tasting, listening, making, drawing, writing about. We will work with plants that you are called to or whom call you.
Crafting a vessel to hold an emotion, a wild craft to warm your home, a remedy to align with your energy, a food to nourish you.
These days are beautiful and so varied - they may change a little in cost depending on what you’d like to bring in but a basic day of immersion in wild rites and ceremony holds a minimum rate of £177.
Moon Ceremony & Threshold Crossing
Amaia holds ceremony for marking
Menarche (first blood)
Motherhood (deepening understanding of self)
Menopause (becoming Mage)
Transition (becoming, releasing, holding gender, age, narrative)
Void (this manifests in so many different ways but is held around so called atypical manifestation of self. This could be following an operation, congenital diversity, a feeling, ancestral trauma)
Working with your chosen area of exploration, we will spend a day or a half day diving into what you need and then exploring and creating ceremony to celebrate you. This could be in the apothecary or in the wilds.
Investment: £133/£77